British Values



British Values – what it means at Banks Lane Junior School
In July 2014, David Cameron emphasised the important role that British values can play in education. Furthermore, how well a school promotes such values is an aspect of Ofsted’s inspection process.

At Banks Lane Junior School we promote the development of SMSC (‘spiritual, moral, social and cultural’ development) and we encourage our pupils to understand those values which are particularly ‘British’.

We pride ourselves on the ethos of our strong school community and we promote values of tolerance and respect towards people of all faiths, races, abilities and cultures. We are particularly proud to be able to state that our multi-faith school celebrates diversity and provides a nucleus for cohesive and effective relationships in the locality. Many aspects of our programme of SMSC education are initiated in our daily collective worship sessions and are further developed within strands of the wider curriculum as follows :-

Other unique aspects of our ethos are demonstrated through the programme of folk arts activities both in school and through extracurricular clubs run by our partnership organisation Fosbrook Folk Education Trust. These include:-

Pupils are also taught about other cultural traditions so as to be able to compare these with their own and acquire an appreciation and respect for the cultures of Great Britain and other countries.