Headteacher's Welcome

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our school website. I hope that it gives you an insight into the life and work of our busy school. It is packed full of information that we hope will answer all of your questions about our school community.

Below you will see our vision for the pupils at Banks Lane Junior School. We want our children to develop skills and character that will help them succeed in life; communication, collaboration, curiosity, resilience and reflection – we call these our Learning Powers (see below). Each one is represented by a super hero designed by our children. We are very proud of our school, staff, pupils and our curriculum offer. 

We are keen to work with parents and carers. You are welcome to come into school to speak to your child’s class teacher or Year Group Leader before 8.40am or at the end of the day. I am outside on the playground each morning with several members of our staff team. We are there to answer any questions that you have and welcome every child into school with a smile. You can also leave a message with the school office to arrange a suitable appointment time or email: admin@bankslane-jun.stockport.sch.uk

We are constantly updating this site in order to keep you informed. Please take a look at our weekly newsletter (which is emailed to parents/carers) to keep you up-to-date.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our website, please let us know so that we can provide this for you.

Mr E Milner



The school has high expectations for pupils' achievement and behaviour
Ofsted 2024

School Values


We want our children to communicate in a variety of ways; to be confident with sharing their ideas, thoughts and feelings; to be excellent listeners who are able to empathise with others; children who understand how to debate, how to disagree and how to challenge respectfully.

