
Reading is at the heart of everything we do at Banks Lane Junior School and is our biggest priority. We aim high through our phonics catch up groups, whole class reading lessons, explicit teaching of vocabulary and ‘control the game’ method of reading together.

We also encourage a love of reading for pleasure through our cosy class reading areas, engaging class stories and enrichment activities such as author visits. We love to share this with our school community through our reading mornings where we invite families into school to share reading activities.

Every teacher is a teacher of reading and so throughout our school we place huge importance on using our phonics knowledge to decode and spell confidently. Teachers refer to our complex sounds charts from year 3 to year 6 to support our children in developing independence. Phonics groups are set up for any pupils who are learning to decode.

Please check our reading lists for each year group, an overview of our reading offer at Banks Lane and some suggested authors and books that your children might be interested in.

Overview of reading at Banks Lane Junior School
Year 3 Recommended Reads
Year 4 Recommended Reads
Year 5 Recommended Reads
Year 6 Recommended Reads